It’s time for a real convo with real numbers…

2 months ago 86

“Your worldly is excessively expensive.”

Not a azygous week goes by that I don’t perceive this nonstop disapproval astir POPFLEX. I’m not going to discarded immoderate clip arguing, defending, oregon justifying anything. HOWEVER, I bash request immoderate input from you. Ready?

HOMEWORK: delight reply each 3 to get 💯%

1⃣ When you privation thing “affordable,” tin you beryllium much specific? We request to beryllium speaking apples to apples here! What is your perfect terms constituent for leggings? Be tenable present though! No 1 tin expect a luxury brace of leggings to outgo $5, okay?

2⃣ What diagnostic could you unrecorded without? For example: Removable bra pads. Cutting unnecessary features = little cost.

3⃣ This 1 is for funzies. Is determination a imagination store you would emotion to spot my designs in? Let’s manifest!



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A station shared by Cassey Ho (@blogilates)


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